Lead Yourself
July 13, 2010, 10:37 pm
Filed under: leadership | Tags: ,

I watch a few TV shows regularly. It is common for the show to be anchored by a strong personality who leads courageously. As the series progresses, we discover that the lead character, who appears to have it all together in public, is conflicted in his personal life, and struggles with what seem to be the most basic of self disciplines and personal responsibilities. To keep the show interesting, both his courage and personal turmoil tend to be greatly exaggerated. It makes for great TV.

I had the opportunity recently, along with several of our staff, to take part in an in-depth survey and study about, ourselves, and the way God made us as individuals. Our moderator over the course of several sessions convinced me of one thing: If I wasn’t leading myself, it was crazy to think I would be effective at leading others.

I was recently challenged again about this. What were some specific steps I was taking (or going to take) for self-leadership? I won’t detail the personal steps I’m taking, but I will share the 3 areas I focused on and the rationale for each:

  • Personal
    This might include self-disciplines that need accountability, needs that aren’t being met, goals you never accomplished, or a hobby that you haven’t made time for.
  • Professional
    Evaluate the meaningful impact and influence you are having on those around you. Are there steps in education or training that you haven’t come around to? You might consider evaluating your schedule to determine if you are reaching maximum effectiveness.
  • Public
    Are you actively sharing with others what you are learning? You might consider exploring opportunities in your community that could benefit from your unique giftedness. Do those around you think you are completely self-sufficient or on a journey?

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[…] of my Lead Yourself decisions (previous post) that I’ve made is to begin working through a reading list. […]

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